Collision Avoidance
Employees and material handling equipments such as Forklifts share the warehouse floor usually in a safe manner. However, the risk of accidents is always there, and the numbers are too high, according to one report, 27 people killed at work each year, and a further 1,500 injured by moving machineries.
Another case involves the collision of two or more forklifts against each other causing damage not only to the drivers but also the forklifts and any other assets that are impacted as a result.
Collision is highly likely around corners or areas where forklift drivers lose visibility, either because they are 90-degree bends, or doors that prevent them from seeing approaching machinery on the other side.
Alternative Solution
We have created an AI based collision avoidance system that allows the identification and classification of human-forklift and forklift-forklift potential collision routes and alerts both parties in a timely manner. The benefits of our system includes:
● No requirement for wearable hardware devices such as bluetooth beacons, HF modules, proximity tags. Significantly reducing setup and maintenance cost
● The AI model deployed on the device is able to actively learn and adapt to the environmental conditions in which it is deployed. ● The AI model deployed on the device is able to actively learn and adapt to the environmental conditions in which it is deployed.
Product Overview
Our device can be placed strategically across the blind spot areas within your sites. Whilst in operations, our device differentiates between human-human & human-forklift traffic, alerts people within close proximity using the on-board buzzer and lights, identify other machineries in close proximity and records timestamp and near misses.